Sweet Ice Cream Judgement

Have you ever realized how satisfying it feels to judge someone? OH MAN – it’s like if you took ice cream and pie and fused them into one delicious desert and ate it while simultaneously giving yourself a big pat on the back – man it feels good. It’s also kind of like that feeling you get when you have something that someone else wants and you dangle it above them, just taunting them to the point where they give up, so that you can (with extreme pity) give it to them after the fact (as long as its on your terms)?

See that’s where judgement goes wrong; it says “We are going to do things on my terms.”

As I’ve been getting older, I’ve started to realize that life is not all about winning the argument just so that I can give myself a pat on the back, or about keeping my distance from someone with a problem because I don’t want to get down in the dirt with them. Life is about relationships, and relationships go much better when one person can be wrong without the other person having to be right.

How has judgement affected your relationships lately?

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