The Kingdom?

I can now see that, in this life, there is no certainty that cannot be fraught with doubt, no necessity that cannot be shown unnecessary, and no desire that cannot be lost with time. There is no pursuit in this life that makes our lives worth living, no standard by which we may know that we have succeeded, no love that can fully satisfy our want for such. There are six billion kingdoms being built right now, and all of them will crumble.

But, His love is everlasting and unimaginably deep. He is waiting patiently to say “well done” to those who love Him, to His “good and faithful servants.” He pursues us and desires us, and He is all we need. There is no doubting Him, for we are made in His very image.

It was for a reason that He paid the highest price for us. (The Kingdom) What is our reason for living? (The Kingdom?) Is it the same as His was for dying? (THE KINGDOM). . . .

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