The Day I Started Loving the Bible More

Some of you may be surprised, most of you not-so-surprised, that I have had ups and downs in my dedication to reading the Word. I think that, for a long time, I saw the Bible as too complex and too intimidating to really get anything from, unless a preacher was dissecting it for me.

Nine days ago on Fall retreat with CRU, something changed in the way I see the Bible. It happened around 4am when everyone else was asleep and I was awake in distress. I had had a hard time that night with some relationships I was trying to cultivate, and seemingly without anyone to call on or anything to turn to at that time, I found myself in the Word. (I mean, it was only appropriate for me to read the Bible spontaneously at a Christian retreat, right?) Well, something happened in those two hours – something clicked. As I read and read, I told myself that I was going to keep reading until I was not angry anymore, and eventually I stopped being angry.

Okay now I know this sounds simple to those of you who are spiritual, but to me this was a breakthrough. The type of peace I got from reading those words was not the same as I would have gotten from a pastor, nor a brother in Christ, nor a girlfriend. It was a radically different experience in which my heart was changed in that moment by the very same Word that had saved me in the first place.

So, all of that to say, if you are having trouble loving the Word, here is my two-step plan:

1) Break out of your comfort zone enough and let go of the reigns of your life long enough for God to put you in a situation where you will be challenged.
2) Turn to the Word for your comfort INSTEAD OF all the things that you normally turn to (your iPod, friends, etc.)

And, you’re done!

Now I know that it may not be as simple for everyone as it was for me, since everyone is different, but I assure you that if you truly are hurting and you turn to the Word in your time of need, you will not be disappointed.

“so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”
– Isaiah 55:11

How has reading the Bible spoken to you in a time of need recently?
What place does the Word of God have in your life?

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